Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lots of updates with a BUSY week.

What a AMAZING day weather wise we had! It was so nice we headed out to Marxville for lots of outside play time and to make Jenn grill for us. Oh so what she is 8 months pregnant with her fourth kid... (I know you  heard that story right? Etopic Pregnancy 9 years ago, her one tube cut and burned after her last kid... and WAH-LAH she is preggo again. Ha ha... opps sorry I am not laughing)

So anyways - awesome night with friends and food. Here is Alyssa and Baby Artie.
I have been having a busy week. Still practicing away on my guitar. I had a super proud moment tonight. Alyssa had her dad restring her guitar and when I was tuning it on Sunday I broke a string. So I texted him when he was in Butler to please stop over and put a new one on. He is always in Butler now because he got his apartment and is working on moving in. But he musta got busy... So Finally I broke down and Youtubed it to figure out how. I did it! I successfully changed her string, got it all tuned up and we are ready to go! I am so proud of me! Seriously people I was afraid of the strings. Not anymore! I can change them! woo hoo!

So I did learn this from my little brother. Note: NEVER take all the strings off at one time. Change one at a time because if you do the tension is released on the neck and it can warp or crack the neck. Good point! Never woulda though of that. So one at a time.

I have  been working on finger exercises. Plucking away at my Ode to Joy and such. I added a new guy into my routine. Found a guitar app for my phone. So now I have three teachers and a brother. I am actually pretty proud of my progress.

Wyatt is doing AMAZING in swimming lessons this time around. I think having two younger kids in his class has helped him completely! He is loving it!
No more "Mom" "Moooom, I want MOOOOOM" It is heavely. Thank you LORD!
Tristan started a Rock Wall Climbing Class and is LOVING it too!

A few more things this past week, we had homeschool co-op on Friday. I worked on March going in like a lion and out like a lamb with my preK class.
We are winding down in our homeschool year. Lots of Field Trips coming up. Monday is "The TEST" for Alyssa. Her 3rd grade standardized boring pointless annoying... opps, um super important test. Pray for her cause she is nervous.

The boys ate Cheese from a can and made mustaches on themselves, 
And oh yeah... I dyed my daughters hair. opps. lol It is 28 day wash out people! I LOVE it! She does too. My dad... not so much I am sure. Ah well... it is all good. 


  1. Linda - I know, wasn't the weather yesterday AMAZING!!!!! Sounds like you guys have been busy and have been having fun! Where in the world did Tristan take a rock climbing class? Sounds like fun!!! Tell Alyssa that I like her hair!!!

    1. Amber- it is at our YMCA in Butler. Only $5 for 7 classes. It is right after his swimming while Alyssa swims anyways so I didnt even have to add a night to my schedule!
