This weekend is Mother's Day. It is the day we set aside to love on our moms. I want to dedicate this blog post to my best friend and mother. I am very very blessed to be the daughter of one of the greatest women you could ever know.
My mom has always been there for us. Our rock. She has been in our lives as a cheerleader and teacher. We could always count on her.
When I was in 4th grade my mother took a job at my elementary school and became known from then on out as "Mrs. Lunch Lady". All my friends loved her. As a child at school you sometimes want to join in on the chatting about how bad your parents are. Even if it is not really true, you sometimes want to just to fit in. Well being a Noullet we tried. And the kids at our school would actually tell us that our mom was nice and not let us do it! ha ha ha. Then there was when kids would get in trouble at school. Oh sure, one check your name goes on the board. Two checks you lose recess, three and principal. Not so for the Noullet kids. One time and we got sent TO THE LUNCH LADY~! walk walk walk... down to her boiler room. What did you do now. It was so unfair! lol But we laugh now.
So graduating on from elementary school... entering the Youth Group age. Woohoo! My mom and dad signed right up to volunteer as leaders. And we loved every min of it. ok not every min but most! ha ha ha. It was so fun. Having mom and dad on trips was comforting. a little awkward were there times when they would share their testimonies and I got to hear stories for the first time about my mom and dad with all the other kids. lol
I shared a lot with my mom growing up. We loved to read books together first. I remember reading the Babysitters Club books and passing them on to mom to read next. She shared that love with me and we grew closer. Then the Youth Group age mom was my friend. She knew about all the boy crushes my friends and I had. It was strange though when my mom knew the personal stuff of my best friends WAY before I did! Come on! :) :) :)
But my mom was awesome. She never thought to highly of herself... no it was totally normal to walk around the house taunting your children with "I'm Cool, Your Mom's so Cool" . I would say "you are NOT cool if you have to tell everyone you are!" And she would gloat, "I'm so cool!" ha ha ha. I have stepped into that role of pickin' on my kids like that too!
I do find myself mimicking a lot of what my mother did while I grew up. My favorites were when she would tell us she was going to "Punch our teeth through the wall!" And my brother Chris would stop and say "How are you going to do that mom?" And he always got her unmad and laughing. I did not know that trick... somehow he always could make her laugh. And then the personal favorite. "Mom I'm thirsty!" When in the car (before the days of water bottles!) and mom would say "Come here I'll spit in your mouth!" ha ha ha. I said that to my own children a time or two and my mother actually gasped at me! I said - where did I LEARN it from mom!?!?! She denies it all!
I love my mom. I love facebooking with her, I love walking the malls with her. I love going to church with her. I love laughing and talking with her. She is one of my best friends. If you know her - I am almost positive you can say the exact same thing.
I love you mom! Happy Mothers Day! Love your Daughter.

Oh yes!!! I agree!! Your mom is one awesome lady. I remember our matching Mickey jammies =) And all the talks at youth events. I feel blessed to know her as well!!! I miss chatting with you both =(
What a beautiful post! Yes, I agree; You're mom is wonderful, and I don't even know her that well! :) You are a wonderful mom, too, Linda.