Saturday, May 7, 2016

Happy Mother's Day to my Amazing Mom!

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. As I reflect back on how amazing my life has been, I have to thank the Lord for giving me the most wonderful mother a girl could ask for. Yes mom, you can print this out and hang it on your fridge next time we disagree over something ;-)

When I think of words to describe my mom - the words Selfless, Hardworking, Generous, Supportive, Beautiful (yes you are!), and Friend come to mind.

All through my life my mother has been someone I look up to and strive to be like.
When I think back on life growing up, I think of mom folding clothes on the porch at Portman Rd. I think of her leading worship at Glad Tidings Tabernacle. I think of her walking the lane and practicing her songs. I think of her walking us out the lane to the bus stop each and every morning. I think of her working nights at KMart while my dad worked days. We would drive to pick her up after work and stop and get French Fries from Burger Hut. Mom was the queen of Layaway! She Rocked that Job!

When I was in 4th Grade she became the "Lunch Lady" at Summit Twp. It was nice having your mom there... especially when you got in trouble. All the other kids got their names on the board. Not the Noullet Kids. We got sent to the Cafeteria to tell our mom what we did!!! Yeah.. that was fun.

When I was a teenager my parents worked with my Youth Group. What amazing leaders they were. There through all the growing up years, bonding with all my friends. ... Never could I complain about my mom like typical kids do. If I tried - Everyone took her side!!!

My mom was an amazing daughter to her own mother. Through all the years - my mom treated her mother with love and respect. No matter how trying the older times were - my mother cared for her with grace and compassion. Setting and example that was beautiful and I will never forget. No matter how tired she was - she gave her all to her mom. I believe mom is thanking GOD that she didn't have a cell phone back in those days though :0)  That might have been a little harder to work with! 

When I gave birth to Alyssa Jane - my mother selflessly quit her job at Summit Twp to help me stay at work by caring for her during the days. What an awesome gift she gave me.

My mom is the best grandma in the world. I hope that someday I can be exactly like her for my own kids. 

Mother Daughter Banquet at Glad Tidings Tabernacle - 1983 - This is My mom, grandma and I right there in the middle... 

Here mom is with my babies!!! She is such a beautiful grandma! 
 Finding a picture with me and mom together.. not so easy. I realized how little pictures this lady will actually get in!
 Another picture with my kids and mom... hmmmm thinking it is way time to get a new one! Perhaps tomorrow! Be ready mom!!!!
 And even with Alyssa going through her crazy hair stages - mom tries to keep an open mind and smile! ha ha ha

Mom - I love you more than you will ever know! You are amazing. You have been the best mother to Josh, Chris, Me and Eric. You have been the best Grandma to Nathan, Alyssa, Tristan, Wyatt, Adelyn and Ella. You are amazing and we love you!!!!!!!! Thank you for being our Mother!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely pictures. On this mother’s day I also threw a fun mother daughter dinner party and invited all mothers and daughters from our family. This DIY dinner party at my favorite garden themed LA venue turned out to be just blasting.
